When they enclosed it, it was so sterile even though from a practical perspective it was better because the open air Short Hills mall had twenty five stores and the enclosed was one hundred and twenty five. By: Luci (Bacon) Ramsey on February 25, 2016 at 12:01 pm. Profit works out to 4.2 a meal. Hot Apple Pie Sandwiches have tender slices of apple, seasoned with a sprinkling of cinnamon which are enriched with cheddar cheese and encased between toasted bread. He came to us from the Top of the Marine. I can picture many of our regulars as if it were yesterdayahh..Ol Mister Slaughter, his daily Manhattan& 32 cent tip (everyday), the two gals from the upstairs office & their Eggs Goldenrod, the woman who wanted a separate chair for her Gucci bag when the room was packed & a line was at the door, a customer who went out & bought a Mr Snuffolupagus toy for me to give as a Christmas gift after hearing me tell another gal I was looking for one. I am trying to recall the name of that Stouffers restaurant. Bette Cameron Miller, Boca Raton, FL, By: bette miller on April 15, 2012 at 5:30 pm. What was his name? She was my mother and she loved her time there but she is sadly gone now and I would love to find out more about it. I have no way to send it to you and the recipe is from Peggy, By: Karen Newsome on December 7, 2020 at 7:56 pm. In Cleveland that was The Top of the Town. By: joel shukovsky on May 28, 2020 at 2:01 pm. My mom was at Top of the Flame for awhile and my Dad worked at the restaurant on Washington Blvd. By: Debbie Hunt on December 2, 2019 at 10:59 pm, Anybody out there the work at the Stouffers Top of theFlame in Detroit in The 1972 to 1978 range,i bartended there for awhile.Keith Stabile, By: Keith J.Stabile on August 22, 2011 at 3:03 pm. It is and has been for years a Max & Ermas restaurant. Add White French Dressing and toss to coat all greens. I believe you offered a dinner special which we always had when we came in. Seems my Dad mentioned a McPhail who worked at Stouffers and was somehow related I think. FROSTED CHOCOLATE COOKIES Jim Saracino, By: Jim Saracino on January 28, 2014 at 9:30 pm. I then went to Cleveland and worked at Pier W until 1980. Let me know. By: Wayne on February 17, 2016 at 6:56 pm. If you see it in the cookbook please let me know. I would like to throw a few more names and hopefully fond memories into the mix Inga Risner and her son Bob and daughter Helen (thats me). For three quarters of a century, Stouffers had been a go-to priority in Northeast Ohio. I was there from 75 79 . Today it is but a postcard memory. Every so often I remember someone from those days. I say to you, I definitely get irked while people consider worries that they just dont know about. By: Suzanne Levy on April 30, 2018 at 11:20 am. Parkers Lighthouse Cleveland, Ohio Combine cup chicken broth with flour and mix well. The best cupcakes I ever ate were Stouffers. In The Wolf of Wall Street, infamous stockbroker Jordan Belfort refers to it as a place where Masters of the Universe could get blitzed on martinis and exchange war stories. Top of the Sixes closed in 1996 and became the Grand Havana Room, a cigar lounge populated by heavy wood, copious leather, ostentatious humidors and financial moguls. Rick, By: 20thcenturylimited on December 5, 2020 at 4:22 pm. Cant wait to try it out and remember those tasty salads. By: Jim markee on April 29, 2018 at 8:05 pm. I was going through some old family letters and found a paper napkin from the Top of the Sixes restaurant with the entire skyline of NYC in panarama on it. By the way, dont remember whether there were eight or ten restaurants in the chain at that point, but the menus were established by corporate, printed down the hall and then shipped out to the stores. Your mom was always very kind to all of us and your dad was quite to guy. The Gaslight Room,The Jenkintown Room, The Abington Room, and The Rydel Room By: Wayne Marks on March 23, 2023 at 11:02 am. Hoping to find one for their white french salad dressing, but not there. I remember several of the hostesses, such as Mac, Miss Byrnes, Miss Conard, and the list goes on. Also at the Top of Centre Square they used to serve an Ice cream drink called White Night. Typical of Stouffers is its five-story restaurant on Manhattans Fifth Avenue dignified grey colonial brick front, tasteful Williamsburg interior decorations. By: Stars Without Makeup on October 2, 2014 at 6:10 pm. I remember going to Stouffers Restaurant in 1965 when it opened at Summit Mall in Akron, OH. The original Mulligatwany Soup recipe was posted (from the Stouffer Cookbook) on January 28, 2012 on this blog. WebThe first STOUFFERS restaurant opens in Cleveland, named Stouffer Lunch. 1926 The second STOUFFERS restaurant opens in Detroit, MI. Stouffer Corp. was purchased by Litton Industries in 1967 and six years later Litton sold Stouffers to Nestl. Does anyone remember the name of the nightclub in the Stouffers Valley Forge Hotel around 1973-1977? AH YES that credit card was great. The Stouffer News was always a big deal in the break room whenever a new edition came out lots of gossip and pictures as well as company news. You definitely know how to keep a reader in the late 1960s and would love to purchase a couple of the Silver Plated Jiggers that were used by the bartenders. Also I noticed the Stouffers Restaurant,[ my whole family worked for] in Garden City, N.Y. wasnt on your list of restaurants? Very Sad. I worked with Mrs Risner at the Valley Forge Hotel! or Chestnut St. people Ill post here. That is where she met my dad, Ron Bacon, a manager. My mother worked at Chestnut Street, Penn Center and helped open the store in Wynnewood and Top of Centre Square. She headed up the kitchen at Penn Center for years. Super), Eddie Hughes (bar) Dick Crimmey (bar) my brother John Hink (bar). Stouffer's is a brand of frozen prepared foods currently owned by Nestl. If you find any ANY Stouffer recipes I would be delighted to get them. I found this website looking for Stouffers Mulligatawny Soup, a taste that I still remember and want to re-live. According to the Stouffer Cookbookm this sandwich was developed by one of Stouffers own people and was a prize-winning entry in a national sandwich contest. [13], Abraham had reportedly had the idea for the "Stouffer Lunch System" before 1920. Please tell me I can still have a similar experience, By: Nancy Harper on January 12, 2017 at 9:47 pm. By: Mary silva on December 2, 2019 at 10:42 pm. I am trying to gain some information on her time there as any memorabilia that she had was destroyed in a fire in the 1980s. Left Stouffers in 1980. Craig Dilworth was our GM s as round 74. My mother is still with us and I couldnt be happier about that.we are blessed. I ate at the Shaker Square Stouffers as a little girl. Add cubed, cooked chicken and simmer 5-10 min longer. What other recipes do you have. Dice the cheese in 1/2 pc & toss w/flour. They had the best brunch in New York as far as I was concerned at a reasonable price and always left stuffed. After the year-long internship I worked at the MIT dining commons where Stouffers managed the food service. How wonderful to read the history of how it all began. My mother worked at the Stouffers Top of the Marine restaurant in Milwaukee in the late 60s/early 70s. She worked at Chestnut Street store, then Penn Center, when it opened, for 25 years, By: John Maher on August 23, 2016 at 2:45 pm. I know that the Restaurant division went up for sale in 1990. By the mid-1950s Stouffers reached the sky with a vertigo-inducing collection of Top of restaurants. Kudos! If they worked lunch and weekends Im sure I knew them. Anyhow, Your brother or any other bartender. I did tell her about being in touch with you and how you said she was always so nice and she remembered you very well and of course, your Mom. GO to the TOP of the page. She was probably the only Italian waitress in the place as many came from Ireland. Mrs Martin was GM when I came back. Those were the days when restaurants were a great profession to be part of. Chuck Wymer was a great guy. My mom was a meat cook there in the sixties. Images would be fabulous. Gordon Stouffer (1904). Cary, NC, By: Rob Johnson on April 20, 2022 at 6:13 pm. By: servicii seo on February 28, 2013 at 8:49 pm. (Where I made hundreds of gallons of rarebit), Atlanta and Buford GA and West Chester NY. I remember that all the ladies who came for lunch wore pretty dresses or suits, usually with hats and gloves to match; no jeans, shorts or sneakers back then! I can picture her even now!!! The manager was John Garvey. By: Jessica on November 19, 2016 at 6:23 pm. Eddie Ryan @ tack room; George Diehl @ Pier W; and John Petrone opened the Top of the Town while his son Mike Petrone was the last there when it closed. I met my wife Mary at Stouffers on Chestnut in Philadelphia. Stan hired me and my sister Sandy. Are you serious? By: Mike McLeod on February 2, 2019 at 10:27 am. Back then everything was scratch, By: Jack Koury on October 13, 2020 at 10:07 am. By: 20thcenturylimited on January 22, 2020 at 6:05 pm. By: Chris Jackson on September 1, 2013 at 1:57 am. John We sold the daylights of of it at Pier W. peggy, please, i would love the recipe. By: Debbie Hunt on December 5, 2020 at 6:23 pm. I got in a severe car accident on the expressway in 1958 which I wasnt able to work for a long time. I was a Stouffers Girl back in 1963. By: Bette Miller on February 16, 2016 at 1:50 pm. I was at Chestnut St which I believe was closed by the time you got to Philly. By this time Cottage Creamery Co. was Northeast Ohios largest manufacturer and wholesaler of dairy products, and it grew exponentially in 1920 when the company merged with Fairmont Creamery Co. of Omaha, Nebraska. By: NATHAN CURRY on May 7, 2012 at 4:04 pm, Hi Priscilla, this is Nathan Curry, I received your E-mail, but unfortunately, I accidentally deleted it. They would have fashion shows on Tuesdays for lunch and my mom modeled in them..she did that for a long time, even after my dad went to another restaurant. 1/4 c. Heavy cream Actually the first line about NY was part of the post that I was responding to, as I never worked in NY. By: Debra hunt on February 15, 2016 at 2:11 pm. Soon after the place closed! By the close of the 1920s the company (whose leadership now included Abrahams sons Vernon and Gordon) had become the publicly owned Stouffer Corp., with restaurants in Cleveland's Citizen's Building (840 Euclid Avenue) as well as in Detroit and Pittsburgh. 1 lg apple, pared, cored, cut in cubes miss that place i would get the catalina salad,it was great ,still trying to make this salad like them. By: Vicki N. Heigel on May 8, 2016 at 7:57 pm, Im looking for a Francisco Aguilar that worked for Stouffers Greenway Plaza Houston in between the years 1975-1977 or later. What was the Stouffer Hotel in St Louis and has changed names many times, will close down on a January 22, 2014. By: Maria Mollis on September 6, 2012 at 1:45 am. Other names I remember from those fun days were Theo, Ruby, Frieda, Marie, Mary _, Mrs. Endicott, Miss Fox, Mr. Dent, Mike Peck, Gary Hink (front bus), Marvin (janitor, then grill cook), Mike Touche McAteer (grill cook), Lynn Shultz, Esther (your friend, I think), etc. I worked at Ginos Hair Design in the Town Square Mall in Chagrin Falls, Ohio where James Tavern was and I had the soup EVERYDAY I worked!!! I worked at the S. Hills Village Stouffers and a number of the Grog Shops in Pittsburgh many years later. By: Tom Cavanaugh on February 16, 2023 at 6:48 pm, By: Jesse Adams on October 22, 2021 at 1:40 am. Sadly a lot of people think Stouffers was /is just frozen foods. Does anyone have that recipe? By: Lynn Staudt on June 6, 2016 at 2:14 pm. 1 tsp cornstarch The Cheese Cellar Cleveland Many good times. Stouffer Girls and tuxedoed waiters hovered. Best, Valerie, By: Valerie on December 26, 2011 at 1:27 pm. Its so great to read this blog and think about all of the great years I spent with Stouffers. Remember Im 82 so my recipes are from the Fifties, but heres what I found: Amazon has it listed out of print but no copies available. By: Ken Berliner on February 15, 2016 at 2:08 pm, Prune Whip with Cream Custard Sauce I so remember Inga and Ruby, and others. Stouffers Hotel Austin, Texas By: Debbie Hunt on December 5, 2020 at 4:20 pm. I still remember going to watch the fireworks on the 62nd floorwe went out on the balcony!!!! PS. My late father who grew up on Cleveland said Stouffers made THE BEST gin martini. I recall Joanne Fish, Barbara Groves?, Karen Schultz, Elizabeth ? Thank you Priscilla for responding to my question, I really appreciate it. Our office was next to your grandfathers.
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