This is one of the more dangerous causes of purple feet. Santilli J, et al. So understanding the causes and treatment is important. Blood that pools looses its oxygen and turns blue. not moderated or reviewed by doctors and so you should not rely on opinions or advice given by other users in
Avoiding hand or feet exposure to extremely cold temperatures may help prevent future episodes. Then the whole leg can seem purple. During this time, you may wear protective footwear or use crutches to get around. The purple color on your foot can be an uncomfortable side effect of an ankle injury, surgery, or fracture. All rights reserved. Doctor says it was a torn nerve. I had the surgery because after several arthroscopies, I got an infection in the bone. you are all the best and I really appreciate every answer! It then leaves the heart via the arteries, carrying oxygen and nutrition to the rest of the body. Keeping your toes in tip-top shape is key to staying pain-free. Poorly functioning feet lead to deformities such as flat feet, hammertoes and bunions. Purple feet are a sign of a circulation problem that can be potentially serious. Moving from the cold to the warm indoors or donning a pair of gloves or socks may be enough to resume normal circulation in your fingers and toes. Molecules larger than 70 kiloDaltons wont fit through capillary walls. A sprain often results in swelling and bruising of the foot. Use of the forums is subject to our Terms of Use
I had a leg scan to check for clots and my veins are great. its very uncomfortable. This is considered a medical emergency. What is really upsetting me is the color my foot turns when it is down. But what could possibly cause them to turn this weird color? Dedeoglu F, et al. Left unchecked, these changes can lead to cardiovascular disorders such as coronary heart disease or congestive heart failure. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.
In order to properly assess your condition, a doctor should perform a thorough exam. Diabetes can affect your feet in two important ways: loss of healthy nerve function and a reduction in healthy circulation. Once your body warms up, your discolored hands or feet should return to their natural color. AskMayoExpert. Minimal swelling. Since blood needs to travel farther to pick up more energy, the heart must beat faster to push the blood forward. My surgeon said that this was all normal, and he agreed that starting to sit in the chair with the foot down and get the foot to start getting acclimated to the circulation pressure again couldn't hurt. These will help you detect the early signs of high cholesterol, diabetes, or other heart conditions. my foot turns purple and also my very lower leg above my ankles! You'll soon start receiving the latest Mayo Clinic health information you requested in your inbox. Many patients worry that this can result in a problem in the heart or a stroke., Do your legs pain at night? This article summarizes, Ulcers can generally be divided into arterial, venous, neuropathic and atypical. It's either up and looks perfect, or down and bright red. These are also known as Cath procedures. Can you correct the discoloration by moving around or elevating the legs? Common triggers of Raynauds attacks include cold weather and stress. This content does not have an English version. is can you guys tell me, in a very specific way, about your recovery from the foot turning colors when down after surgery? Its generally a period of two to six weeks depending on the type of fracture and how severe it is. For instance, many elderly people take medication that can make leg swelling worse. Thank you Andrew. Your feet carry you through life, so take their health very seriously. Reading your testamony really brightened my day a bit. Can you tell me about your surgery? The blue color is caused by blood leaking into the affected area. Your healthcare provider may recommend an x-ray or other imaging, depending on the circumstances. This causes damage to the heart muscle over time. The more I weight bear and try to get my ankle back, the worse it all gets. Muscles contract to pull bones toward the center of motion while stretching opposing muscles further apart. but the nerve pain has been unbelievable . Acrocyanosis episodes tend to persist. Acrocyanosis can also affect your hands, causing the skin to turn blue or purple. Just a crazy weird pain on the inside and side of my knee that has been there since surgery. If untreated, however, claudication eventually progresses to critical limb ischemia, where severe pain occurs even at rest. A foot sprain can be painful and difficult to walk. If you suffer a foot injury, the first step is to see a doctor. The complaint of My feet turn purple when standing is especially common in elderly people. My advice would be not to let the horror stories get you down. Everyone keeps telling me I should be progressing so much faster than I am and that I should be able to start walking around already. Many conditions can interrupt the healthy flow of blood between your heart and feet. This condition is called peripheral arterial disease (PAD). There are two types of Raynauds: primary and secondary. We should probably use Stasis pigmentation is the browning of the skin over the front of the shins. Ischemic foot can result from a buildup of cholesterol plaque in one of the main arteries supplying blood to your foot. Flat feet often go undiagnosed because people who suffer from them rarely complain of pain. I still ice several times a day to get the swelling down, and think that helps a lot. The symptoms of a sprain can worsen if you do not rest and elevate your ankle. Your foot works like a lever, with bone structures serving as levers that move relative to each other. Ligaments connect bones to tendons, which attach bones to muscles. Healthline only shows you brands and products that we stand behind. But, if poor circulation is severe, it can result in damage. Bunions are painful due to inflammation and pressure on the sensitive skin around the base of the toe. The bruise can be deeper than the skin, or thick skin may cover up the pooled blood. When one or more of a persons toes starts to look blue or purple, doctors call it blue toe syndrome. If the purple color disappears with elevation, there is a good chance this is primary acrocyanosis. The condition usually improves on its own. It usually happened when we were up moving around. Take it easy and buy a few books ?? The condition also usually affects women more often than men. I too have been experiencing major discoloration when my foot is positioned any way other than being elevated. Primary is the most common. Accessed June 12, 2019. Read on to learn why. The most common causes include falling, impact injuries, and repetitive activity without adequate rest.
Its a painless condition that usually causes no other noticeable symptoms. For instance, if the cause is poor circulation. I used a wheelchair for most of that, as I am pretty hopeless with crutches. And, blood without oxygen looks blue. Veins contain valves that regulate blood flow. I have to keep telling myself that there are others in a worse position than me.
Upgrade to Patient Pro Medical Professional? See a physician immediately. No clots. But there are many reasons for calf and other leg pain when walking. I found that when walking after the surgery my right hip was in agony, it was discovered that my left leg was shorter than my right. Swelling or pain in your leg, ankle, or foot becomes worse Purple color to leg or foot Fever Swelling in your calf and foot Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing Also call your provider if you have questions or concerns that cannot wait until your next visit. How can you improve circulation in your feet? Your blood travels through veins back to your heart and lungs for more oxygen and the start of another round trip. Always speak to your doctor before acting and in cases of emergency seek
Notes on Foot still turning red and purple after ORIF, For example, some peoples feet turn purple every time they walk barefoot on the floor.
The discoloration has stopped over the last few weeks. My feet turn purple when I sit and stand they are only normal when they are elevated and kept at a normal temp. Socks shouldnt exceed 10 millimeters (0.4 inches) below the ankle. This was from the last step and falling 3 inches to the floor with foot on side. However, flat feet can cause chronic backache, knee problems and shin splints. Also, Raynauds affects the smaller blood vessels in your fingers and toes, while acrocyanosis affects the larger arteries of your feet and hands. I am on meds but not making a difference. But deep frostbite can turn skin purple. A person with blue feet can also exhibit other symptoms, including the following: General pain in the feet Tingling, numb sensation Muscle pain in the legs Leg or foot ulcers Bruising Nodules or lesions on the feet A single copy of these materials may be reprinted for noncommercial personal use only. Elevating a broken ankle after injury helps reduce swelling and encourages the bodys natural healing process. If your child develops the rash associated with this condition, see your doctor as soon as possible. I thought I was alone with my purple feet. However, there are several ways for vein disease to cause color changes in the feet. If you have high cholesterol or diabetes, you should schedule regular physical examinations. Oh that totally gives me a lot of hope, because ever since I broke my fibula close to the ankle bone itself I was placed in ER on a sugar splints five days later put in the cast the cast was cutting off circulation had to replace the cast, but before putting in a cast he did a stress test on my fracture during an x-ray and thats when it started turning purple when not elevated when after ER visit for the five days it never went purple just kind of concerned. We have a lot of plans that are on hold. When to see a doctor for cellulitis The pain and swelling may be minimized by applying ice to the affected area. Some causes are urgent, and potentially dangerous. So so my question here, even tho I know I have asked before (sorry!) Also every time i see my surgeon he comments on how bad my injury is. Complications associated with Henoch-Schonlein purpura include: Connect with others like you for support and answers to your questions in the Blood Cancers & Disorders support group on Mayo Clinic Connect, a patient community. The color may change due to the blood pooling in the area.
Even though my feet werent exactly beautiful, they healed just fine. I was running late for work and had something in both hands, I thought I was on the last step and fell down and hurt both feet. I did lots of physio which was essential as non weight bearing your muscles atrophy and t really helps to build up the muscles again. Also, an injury to the knee or calf can result in blood in the ankle and foot. My experience taught me that sometimes the best treatments are simple remedies. If your circulation is affected by diabetes, you could notice discoloration of your toes and feet. I was non weight bearing for 6 weeks. health information, we will treat all of that information as protected health weird twinges and burning. Last medically reviewed on June 26, 2018. Try our Symptom Checker Got any other symptoms? Deciding when a patient can fly after a pulmonary embolism (PE) comes up a lot. A deep vein thrombosis, DVT, is a blood clot in the veins. Elevate Your Feet Click here for an email preview. Some people have external fixation, where the hardware is outside of the skin. Remember, that artery blockages will not always cause damage. Henoch-Schonlein purpura (also known as IgA vasculitis) is a disorder that causes the small blood vessels in your skin, joints, intestines and kidneys to become inflamed and bleed. You can also take pain relief medications, such as ibuprofen, at your physicians direction. It usually takes up to 48 hours for a bruise to develop completely and usually takes up to 2 weeks to disappear. I am very sorry to hear about your symptoms. But my advice is to remember that in the end they are a kind of socks. Even minor injuries can cause discoloration on the skin of the foot. While this is relatively common and usually temporary, it can also be a sign of an underlying health problem. Leaky valves Veins are supposed to take blood from the feet to the body.
Obviously, that is not happening with a casted foot. The pain may last for a few days or weeks. Aloha Andrew: I am so glad to have found this forum. The rise in mainly in Prescribing anticoagulation for peripheral artery disease is not the first thing that comes to mind. Renal denervation has shown great promise for treatment of resistant hypertension in patients without renal Catheter procedures are very common. I was released and sent home from the hospital the morning after surgery and was in excruciating pain for several weeks.
You develop a reddish purple area where the damaged blood vessels leak. In some cases, however, the cause may be more complicated. In: Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics. Sometimes the result is a reduced blood flow. The four main characteristics of Henoch-Schonlein purpura include: See your doctor if you have Henoch-Schonlein purpura and it's causing serious problems with your digestive tract. Thank you so much for sharing your story and letting others like myself find comfort in knowing its just not me thats going through this.
include protected health information. The changes can be mild or severe. Subungual hematomas can make your nail appear red or purple. If you suspect you have broken a bone, you need to limit any weight bearing on the foot. It's not clear why this initial inflammation develops. 2023 Healthline Media LLC. Bruising can also result from strains and sprains. Thank you Andrew and all of you writing here. In serious cases, nerve surgery that removes tiny nerves from around blood vessels in your affected feet or hands may help lessen the response to cold temperatures. Many people have artery blockages that are not very severe. Except I do not have pain! If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission Heres our process. Many vascular Copyright2023 ANGIOLOGIST.COM All rights reserved. Was bedridden and had complications of pressure sores from the splints and casts and was very discouraged. If you have poor circulation, its important to exercise and move. If the DVT is very extensive, it can prevent blood from returning properly to the body. Use of the forums is subject to our Terms of Use
Weitz JI, et al. So, different causes will require different treatments.
Ferri FF. The first stage of a sprain is often very painful, but it doesnt require immediate treatment. Compression and ice will also help to reduce inflammation. Doc confirmed break has healed. How long did it take till it stopped? Don't remember any pain as was dosed up on pain meds. If it goes away with elevation or getting up and moving around, you probably have a venous issue. This could include toes. Superficial frostbite turns exposed skin red and hard. You may have venous obstruction when you sit, which causes the blood to pool in your legs, hence the purple discoloration. In fact, for many women, A blue finger can be alarming. Medical treatment will vary depending on the severity of the injury and the location of the foot. You could opt for warm socks, avoid walking barefoot and make sure to wear appropriate shoes. V glad to read these comments as now getting paranoid with friends saying it's taking so long and thinking I should be up and about by now.. i had surgery on my calcaneous 4 weeks ago tomorrow. Hammertoes happen when the second, third and fourth toes point inward. Claudication means walking becomes painful after exercise.
I forget what it's called on my left foot and fractured my right ankle. Arteries are tubes lined with elastic cells. Advertising revenue supports our not-for-profit mission. When its warm or hot outside they turn extremely red to the point where people ask me if they are sunburned. I had a stupid fall off a step on the 27 April was taken by ambulance to the local government hospital where they diagnosed Trimaceolar fracture right and operated on the 28 April. appropriate medical assistance immediately. These are called reticular veins. Philadelphia, Pa.: Elsevier; 2020. When given time, a sprained ankle will heal on its own.
The more you try to sit normally the longer the recovery will take. I had the same surgery almost 14 weeks ago. Medical care is generally needed if the disorder affects the kidneys. If youre experiencing pain after an injury, a doctor may recommend rest and ice. The purple color on your foot can be an uncomfortable side effect of an ankle injury, surgery, or fracture. Perhaps the most common cause for purple feet or purple toes in general is acrocyanosis. Turning purple feet arent something to worry about unless youre experiencing actual pain or numbness. Upgrade to Patient Pro Medical Professional? Check out these best-sellers and special offers on books and newsletters from Mayo Clinic Press. If the damage to your foots circulation is so severe that theres a risk of foot tissue dying, amputation may be necessary. Our team thoroughly researches and evaluates the recommendations we make on our site. Worked for my son too. Drinking plenty of fluids to help prevent lack of fluid in the body (dehydration). If youve recently suffered an ankle injury, you may be wondering why your foot is turning purple. Thanks again! It Bunions usually occur on the big toe because its large size makes it particularly susceptible to stress. But, maybe you can identify a medication that was added before the discoloration appeared, like Adderall. Clusters of these veins can make the foot seem blue. On the following page, learn how elevating your feet can increase blood flow. You may also need a test to determine the underlying cause. It can arise abruptly and develop into a painful condition quickly. WebBlood that is not moving will release oxygen and turn blue or purple. Thank you I. I spent a week in hospital because I didn't have anyone to look after me at home. Blood Flow Basics If you do your research, you will notice that compression stockings come in many degrees of compression. This means it is usually done by talking to the patient and examining them. Some foot discolorations can be a sign of a serious medical problem, so its important to seek medical care if this discoloration persists. Different from the primary type, secondary acrocyanosis means that there is an underlying cause. I am ver sure its the wrong diagnosis. You may have had bruises that temporarily turned part of your skin a shade of black, blue, or purple. My mindset improved dramatically around week 3.5 when I was able to start being more independent. Poor circulation in the feet is a symptom of peripheral arterial disease (PAD), Raynauds disease, lupus, and diabetes. I'm already on the books but very restless. Maybe you will be able to replace a medication, reduce a dose or at least have an explanation for what is going on. Im afraid of everything, getting blood clots and strokes. Rarely, serious kidney damage can occur. People who suffer from frostbite can develop irreversible changes. Medication for venous insufficiency can improve symptoms and promote ulcer healing. I try to do some exercises with the rest of my body, sitting or lying on the floor with my leg elevated on a few pillows. Here's everything you need to know about shoe fit, hygiene, and more. Our clinical information meets the standards set by the NHS in their Standard for Creating Health Content guidance. The tendency for cellulitis stems from several mechanisms. I'm concerned that like yourself the Dr who did my surgery didn't do it correctly. I have fractured my 1st, 2nd and 4th ??? However, this condition does not necessarily need to be treated with X-rays. (2018). Registered number: 10004395 Registered office: Fulford Grange, Micklefield Lane, Rawdon, Leeds, LS19 6BA. This will reduce swelling. I have totally stopped looking for info online re my injury, it's too depressing. Having said that, the most common causes are probably dependent edema and benign (primary) acrocyanosis. Patient aims to help the world proactively manage its healthcare, supplying evidence-based information on a wide range of medical and health topics to patients and health professionals. I have the same problem and its driving me crazy. This is something that is starting to happen more and more frequently plus my heal is still completely numb and I cant move my last 3 toes. You could also have a blood clot thats blocking blood flow in an artery. How do I know if my foot injury is serious? For blood to reach the feet the heart needs to work properly and there needs to be adequate blood pressure. Foot color isnt always a good indication of trouble, though. It really has helped. There are several triggers, most of which relate to the circulatory system. Philadelphia, Pa.: Elsevier; 2019. Others reported getting their feet wet, only to watch them change colors within hours. I found lots of articles describing people who got their hands on some kind of mystery cream that turned their feet purple overnight. Were you in out patient or hospital for surgery? When youre extremely cold, your skin can turn blue (or purple). Different from the primary type, secondary acrocyanosis means that there is an underlying cause. Knowing which test to get and what to do with the results is key. Had an xray at the same time which they were happy with. One woman claimed she used the stuff before bedtime and woke up the next morning to find her soles were purple! My foot and leg look just fine when they are up.
Kliegman RM, et al. A cast will also reduce swelling and pain. Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone. These people may not have any symptoms, or just have leg pain when walking. Next morning, my feet were still blue-white. If you cant that is concerning. Of course, if there are other symptoms, consider those as well. I saw my surgeon and he diagnosed me with RSD. Treatment of athlete's foot if it is present. Right around 3 weeks post-op I started sitting in a chair with the foot down, and those issues seemed to start going away.
If the pain persists for a long time, see your health care provider. For optimal effectiveness, choose socks with fabric composed mostly of nylon or spandex yarn. Id been wearing white athletic shoes all day, so I figured they must be turning purple like those old movie stars who had gangrene or worse. The swelling will definitely go down, you're only early in your recovery. as being in breach of those terms. But on top of that my toes (even when elevated) will sudden feel like they just came out of a deep freezer and they get very cold to the touch. Compression socks also work well. Why My Foot Turns Purple When Not Elevated After Injury. Those injuries usually heal on their own without treatment. The diagnosis is usually clinical. Now at 4.5 weeks it still swells and gets uncomfortable if it is down for an hour or two without putting the foot up, but it is definitely improving dramatically and no longer gets purple. Discoloration is normal. Foot discoloration can result from minor foot injuries, Raynauds disease, peripheral arterial disease, or frostbite. Debra Sullivan, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., CNE, COI, Cold temperatures can reduce circulation in your hands and feet,,,,,, Daniel Bubnis, M.S., NASM-CPT, NASE Level II-CSS, The Smart Girls Guide to Healthy, Happy Feet, Treatment Options for Peripheral Artery Disease. I'm so sorry you are dealing with this too. 5.1k views Reviewed >2 years ago. Oxygen diffuses through hemoglobin, which releases oxygen for the tissues to use. If the pain persists, your health care provider will order an x-ray or MRI scan to look for a fracture or ligament injury. A medical condition or injury can result in discoloration of the skin on your feet. My husband helped me put on flip flops, and we made our way home. Arteries branch out to smaller tubes called capillaries. The swelling went down fairly quickly after the op and i got a cast after a week. The joint between your long and middle toe curves upward, creating a bump that pushes upwards when you stand upright. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. I thought that would dissapear with the swelling going down but apparently that's not the case. I have been and continue to follow Dr's orders on constantly keeping foot elevated and on ice. In this case, blood circulation is blocked completely and no longer supplies oxygen and nutrients to the muscles. If the injury is not too severe, the swelling and purple purplish hue will likely go away in a matter of some days. Henoch-Schonlein purpura (IgA vasculitis): Rapid evidence review. Bruising can be in the toes themselves, or higher up in the foot. Bunions form on the ball of your foot. They are quickly replacing surgery for many indications. But RSD pain is excrutiatiing. Others are Do your legs pain at night? Keep your leg elevated and if you are really worried, see your doctor/ surgeon. A person who has symptoms of claudication may not need treatment right away. Andrew I too want to thank you for your email you have helped me already. However, the procedure may be delayed to allow for the swelling to subside. Required fields are marked *. Accessed May 13, 2019. Patient is a UK registered trade mark. Purple feet are a sign of a circulation problem that can be potentially serious. Hardware is outside of the shins wont fit through capillary walls most of which to! Thought i was released and sent home from the primary type, secondary means. If they are only normal foot turns purple when not elevated they are sunburned their natural color very restless purplish hue will likely go in! 10004395 registered office: Fulford Grange, Micklefield Lane, Rawdon, Leeds, LS19 6BA spandex! Eventually progresses to critical limb ischemia, where the hardware is outside of the i! More i weight bear and try to get the swelling going down but apparently that 's not the case from! 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