In addition, the following book is recommended: Peter OBrien, Ammianus Marcellinus, the Caesar Julian, and Rhetorical Failure,Cahiers des tudes anciennes [En ligne], L|2013, mis en ligne le 19 aot 2013, consult le 05 avril 2023. The Germans become more arrogant when they not only recognize a smaller opposing force, but also the standards of a legion of the Magnentian Caesar Decentius, whom they had defeated years before. Following Constantius first presentation of Julian, for example, he is actually interrupted by the soldiery: interpellans contio lenius prohibebat arbitrium summi numinis id esse non mentis humanae uelut praescia uenturi praedicimans, . They therefore make a fitting conclusion to the scene, sealing it off from the narrative by leaving us with the notion that the mind of the army is ordered aright, as if it had been persuaded by a well-designed piece of imperial oratory39. , , [] ( . This site uses cookies to deliver our services, improve performance, for analytics, and (if not signed in) for advertising. The speech is a persuasive failure, and in this sense conflicts with the overall tenor of the Caesars presentation in the episode. Copyright LibraryThing and/or members of LibraryThing, authors, publishers, libraries, cover designers, Amazon, Bol, Bruna, etc. After some difficulty the messengers obtained a first interview with Attila. The account is artfully developed as a set-piece and unusually focused: its single modern chapter composes 70 modern paragraphs and 13 Teubner pages, while covering only half a day in time, . Title. Battle of Adrianople, Adrianople also spelled Hadrianopolis, (Aug. 9, ad 378), battle fought at present Edirne, in European Turkey, resulting in the defeat of a Roman army commanded by the emperor Valens at the hands of the Germanic Visigoths led by Fritigern and augmented by Ostrogothic and other reinforcements. of senior imperial colleague, of the people (in this as in all cases in Ammianus the army) and of divinity in order to ensure a solid basis of legitimacy for the young candidate. Last Updated on May 6, 2015, by eNotes Editorial. ber seine Ttigkeiten berichtet vor allem der Geschichtsschreiber Ammianus Marcellinus.. Paulus stammte aus Spanien. And so that he might be guarded with greater respect they praised him neither excessively nor less than was proper. Corrections? 12In addition to preserving a sense of Caesarian propriety, several aspects of this cohortatios formal and occasional exceptionalism seem to be connected with the narrative qualities of the larger episode of which it forms a part. Ammianus undermines the forthright opposition of the army to their leaders request by implying that their motivation was not based solely on their self-confidence, but on both the skill and fortune of their leader and the protective interest of heaven. The all-important balance of consensus has been attained, but in a sort of role-reversal that is perhaps surprising coming from Ammianus, the partisan of Julian. Ammianus is scrupulous in reporting the facts of Julians decision in this speech-scene, but he arranges them in such a way that the starkness of the contrast between Julians opinion and that of his advisors is diminished. Tacitus In the speech that answers Julians usurpation of Augustan, Ammianus presents Julians manner of speaking with a significantly distinctive qualification. Dont miss the opportunity. Although these articles may currently differ in style from others on the site, they allow us to provide wider coverage of topics sought by our readers, through a diverse range of trusted voices. 2001 A rector fortunatus is rather one who has enjoyed divine grace in the past, in short one who is attended by a sort of personal heavenly protection, such as that provided by a genius32. Here shields and spears are clashed together, and this, along with gnashing teeth, is indication at least of eagerness for battle (. ) On the interpretation of this passage see R. As we have noted, the first matter of note in Ammianus representation of Julians speech to his assembled troops at the outset of the Battle of Strasbourg (XVI, 12, 9) is its formal anomalousness. Segundo Eutropio e Festo, historiadores da segunda metade do sculo IV, nun momento no que o emperador romano Traxano era percibido como "un valioso paradigma para os acontecementos e figuras contemporneas", escribiu baixo a direccin do Emperador Valente, Asiria era unha das tres provincias romanas (con Armenia e On, , p.99, neatly sums up the tendency of the signifers statement: Die. Now, in a narrative that is meant to add consummate weight to his account of Julians military successes in Gaul, Ammianus reveals the Caesar as an active participant in his own destiny. Following this, he repeats the information with which the speech concluded, namely that the whole army, from highest to lowest were in agreement. Taking a group abroad? Recognizing them as such sanctions a much more nuanced and meaningful reading of their composition than is possible if their relevance is dismissed out of hand. cit., p.99, neatly sums up the tendency of the signifers statement: Die uox populi is zur uox Dei geworden. scene, Ammianus would mention here the tribunal or speaking platform and describe the bands of high officials surrounding the imperial figure. This paper argues that this speech nevertheless plays a significant part in Ammianus strategy of building Julian up for imperial office, a role that scholars have failed to see because they have generally neglected the importance of formal speeches in Ammianus historiography a topos intimately connected with the fortunes of rhetoric in the late antique empire. We should note that the verb adloquitur is used to introduce the present speech, though apparently not in its technical sense. The whole book is famously heralded by Ammianus elegant disclaimer that though he might be accused of panegyric in relating Julians activity, he actually speaks the truth (XVI, 1, 3). 22The entire sentence that describes the soldiers interruption and its motivation merits quotation here because of the extremely compact manner in which Ammianus on the one hand softens the obvious fact that Julians speech has missed its mark, and on the other combines the speech tropes of divine favour and good generalship in a paradoxical elevation of the failed orator: Nec finiri perpessi, quae dicebantur, stridore dentium infrendentes ardoremque pugnandi hastis illidendo scuta monstrantes in hostem se duci iam conspicuum exorabant caelitis dei fauore fiduciaque sui et fortunati rectoris expertis uirtutibus freti atque, ut exitus docuit, salutaris quidam genius praesens ad dimicandum eos, dum addesse potuit, incitabat (XVI, 12, 13). In keeping with the general trend to re-evaluate late antique culture on its own terms rather than on those of the classical canon, recent scholarship has been more forgiving of Ammianus stylistic quirks and eccentricities. Praei nos ut faustus antesignanus et fortis! They did not allow him to finish the sentence he was speaking. In the fourth century, they spilt westward in great numbers, dislodged by the emergence of the ferocious Huns from the Central Asian steppe. It is a tension that is productive in providing Ammianus a nuanced and multilayered imperial portraiture, and one that at the same time vivifies the ceremonial scenes that moderns have been so quick to pass over.
Although the first printing of his history occurred in 1474, improved editions were published in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Put another way, we could say that in his effort to represent a different reality than that of traditional Roman historiography, Ammianus had to transform deliberative rhetorics shape and role, yet has at the same time preserved its capacity to invest narrative with an innate intellectual dimension8. His account of the decay of the Empire is fascinating, particularly the brief reign of Julian, tagged htroughout history by vengeful Christians as Julian the Apostate. cit., p.98, quotes Ciceros precepts on the quality of consilium in prouidendo (Cicero, Pro lege Manilia 29). Such speeches, presented according to a specific protocol before an assembled army either in camp or on the field, were in Ammianus day the sole prerogative of the Augustus. All translations are my own. Huge was the joy with which all but a few approved the Augustus judgement, and they received the Caesar with worthy admiration, as he blazed there in the brightness of imperial purple. 5 Zur Geschichtsschreibung und Weltanschauung des Ammianus Marcellinus, Klio, Beiheft XVI (N.F. Formally speaking, Julians ambiguous standing is reflected in the fact that when he delivers his oration he does not, as a mere Caesar, enjoy the right of adlocutio, as well as in the fact that its argument is overruled by his military staff. Because the enemy, by contrast, is refreshed and in position, Julian asks that the fighting be put off until the following day. 6 On the place of ceremonial forms of communication in the changed political landscape of the late empire, see S.MacCormack, Art and Ceremony in Late Antiquity, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1981; J.Matthews, op. Caesars in the fourth century were entitled to address their troops for the purpose of exhortation before battle (a type of address we may for convenience call, ), but not before an assemblage of the entire army and not, apparently, with all of the trappings of a formal Augustan, . Web2 For a concise history of Ammianus stylistic reception, see R. B lockley, Ammianus Marcellinus and ; 3 The now classic account is that of E. A uerbach, Mimesis. Language. cit. Ammianus himself alludes to this regulation as if to suggest that Constantius has expressly forbidden it to Julian (XVI, 12, 29), and certainly this is the only Caesarian cohortatio represented in the extant history20. After these words had been spoken no one was silent, but all the soldiers began to strike their shields on their knees with a horrible clash. The epic tone is continued in the following phrase. Web , . Yet the greater focus on detail allowed by the battle narrative means that the scope of action is somewhat exploded, and certain concluding elements of the speech are delayed, just as certain of the introductory elements were dispersed in explanatory text. Free shipping for many products! The Representation of Reality in Western L, Over the past century and a half, scholarly opinion on the quality of Ammianus Marcellinus historiographical style has varied widely. 7By likening the voice of the soldiers to Republican censors, by granting them the erudition of those who can read human character by physiognomics, and by making all of these editorial embellishments within a recognizable ceremonial template, Ammianus locks the entirely passive Julian into an objectively ordained legitimacy. For discussions of Ammianus Strasbourg narrative see N. Bitter, Kampfschilderungen bei Ammianus Marcellinus, Bonn, Habelts Dissertationsdrucke, 1976, p. 56-101; R.Blockley, Ammianus Marcellinus on the Battle of Strasbourg: Art and Analysis in the History, Phoenix 31 (1977), p. 218-231; K.Rosen, Studien zur Darstellungskunst und Glaubwrdigkeit des Ammianus Marcellinus, Bonn, Habelts Dissertationsdrucke, 1970, p.95-131; G.Sabbah, La Mthode dAmmien Marcellin. See also M.Roberts, The Treatment of Narrative in Late Antique Literature: Ammianus Marcellinus (XVI, 10), Rutilius Namatianus and Paulinus of Pella, Philologus 132 (1988), p.181-195, and J.Fontaine, Le Style dAmmien Marcellin et lesthtique thodosienne, in J.denBoeft & alii (eds), Cognitio Gestorum. The Later Roman Empire chronicles a period of twenty-five years during Marcellinus own lifetime, covering the reigns of Constantius, Julian, Jovian, Valentinian I, and Valens, and providing eyewitness accounts of significant military events including the Battle of Strasbourg and the Goths Revolt. 14 Ammianus imputes a similar rationale to Constantius and his court in sending Ursicinus to deal with the revolt of Silvanus (XV, 5, 19) and repeats the accusation of mistreatment of Julian at XXII, 3, 7. From Julians first appearance as a candidate for imperial office in Book XV, the historian takes the view, shared by Libanius and Julian himself, that the young scholar, snatched unexpectedly from a private life of study and thrust into a public life of imperial service, was but a pawn in his elder colleagues cynical game of rulership12. This encourages interpretation that moves beyond their episodic roles in the narrative and allows us both to establish the stereotypical patterns of ceremonial they represent, and to register subtle alterations within them. It is tempting to recognize this genius as the first appearance in the work of the genius publicus of the entire res Romana headed on earth, of course, by the emperor. Livy Closeness to Ursicinus sometimes clouded his judgment, and he did not do complete justice to Gallus, but his eulogistic tone toward Julian did not blind him to that emperor's faults. n. 1, p.248-249. Ed. Caesars in the fourth century were entitled to address their troops for the purpose of exhortation before battle (a type of address we may for convenience call cohortatio), but not before an assemblage of the entire army and not, apparently, with all of the trappings of a formal Augustan adlocutio19. , diss. While meaningful allusion is a key aspect of Ammianus method, the present case does not seem to yield more than superficial similarities, and in more important ways is quite different. Such a concerted strategy presupposes not only the close communication of the two imperial figures, but also a degree of trust on the part of Constantius, whose own fortunes would be endangered by a dubious or untrustworthy colleague in a military campaign. 21Since Julian is a hero to Ammianus and because the Strasbourg narrative aims in several ways to amplify his stature as such, it is quite surprising that this oration is a persuasive failure probably the most unambiguous failure of all the speeches in the extant text29. Start earning points for buying books! 11 On the recusatio topos see J. Branger, Recherches sur laspect idologique du principat, Basel, Friedrich Reinhardt, 1953, p.137-159; see K. Rosen, op. 20 On the interpretation of this passage see R.Blockley, op. The last date is today's Ammianus seems to have had some access to official decrees and some internal documents. 2023 . Frequently imperial orators are described as speaking serenely or placidly, as here, or as otherwise appearing favourable to their audiences, the primary sense of which is innate according to P. De Jonge, could also carry with it a secondary sense of genuine, which is a post-classical accretion. WebA Roman historian chronicles Rome on the brink of collapse. The surviving books of his history cover the years 353 to 378. Ammianus served as an officer in the army of the emperors Constantius II and Julian, he served in Gaul (Julian) and in the east (twice for Constantius, once under Julian). cit., p.177, notes Virgilian and Livian echoes in this phrase. When Ammianus represents Julians unilateral elevation to Augustan rank in Paris in 360, he will modulate the careful methods he used to objectify his heros legitimacy first in Milan and then in Strasbourg. 125) was a Roman orator and historian. It is ironic that Gaius Iulius Caesar, a contemporary of Cicero and Catullus, and certainly another contender for the title of Most I, Marcus Terentius Varro All cited passages are from W. Ammiani Marcellini rerum gestarum libri qui supersunt, , Leipzig, Teubner, 1978. In a narrative that is often seen as unambiguously propagandistic, Ammianus is in fact very careful to reveal an imperial figure who has yet to reach the maturity of personal fortuna and self-sufficiency. Therefore even here Ammianus can present their remonstrance as a rightful function of the theoretical consensus necessary for Julians rule to be legitimate. 34 this eagerness had the approval of the superior officers. iii), I923 (referred to hereafter simply by author's name On fortuna in the Res gestae, see C.P.T.Naud, Fortuna in Ammianus Marcellinus, AClass 7 (1964), p.70-89. Unlike all the other battlefield speeches incorporated into his narrative, this is not, strictly speaking, an adlocutio18. . The four reasons he attributes to the army embody tropes of Roman military excellence and especial favour which are more often found within the body of the speech texts. WebKeywords: Ammianus Marcellinus, Paideia, Self-fashioning 1. 24 Constantius again serves as an example. Firstly, the soldiers rely on the favour of the heavenly deity, secondly on their own self-confidence, thirdly on the tried valour of their fortunate leader. Livys account of the conduct of Aemilius Paulus prior to the battle of Pydna (XLIV, 36) is adduced as the model by N. , p.64-66. Following the recitation of Florentius reasoning, Ammianus launches into a three-paragraph explication of the military estate of Gaul and of various particularities of the enemy force36. WebCheung 4 INTRODUCTION The Res Gestae of Ammianus Marcellinus provides us with substantial detail on the late Roman Empire as it is a key source of information regarding the 4 th and 5 th centuries resulting from the presence of Ammianus, himself, during those events. The praetorian prefect Florentius is made to speak on behalf of all the higher command in the judgement that it is important to engage the enemy now whatever the risks, both because of the present battlefield situation and because the very alacrity of the Gallic soldiers might easily turn to rebellion if they were denied the fight. WebFind many great new & used options and get the best deals for THE LATER ROMAN EMPIRE - Averil Cameron - Paperback at the best online prices at eBay! Ammianus Marcellinus; Hamilton, Walter, 1908-. Julian receives them with reserve and calm, however, laughing at the barbarians presumption, detaining their ambassadors, and remaining steadfast (in eodem gradu constantiae stetit immobilis, XVI, 12, 3). Groningen, Boumas Boekhuis, 1972, p.180 (, is not a term to be found in Ammianus at all, yet it is clear from his treatment of speeches in the history that this term can usefully be employed to distinguish the type of speeches he allots to Augustan figures from others. Ammianus Marcellinus, Greek by birth but writing in Latin c. AD 390, was the last great Roman historian. ), Homo uiator. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1998. WebThe Later Roman Empire chronicles a period of twenty-five years during Marcellinus' own lifetime, covering the reigns of Constantius, Julian, Jovian, Valentinian I, and Valens, and 26, I.Io23 n. i: 'Such is the bad taste of Ammianus, that it is not easy to distinguish his facts from his metaphors.' Ammianus mentions the independence of the Gallic army soon. after 390) was a native Greek speaker who served in the Roman army and in about 390 completed the Res gestae, a Latin history in thirty-one books from Nerva to Valens (the years 96 to 378 CE).The eighteen surviving books cover his own times, from 353 to 378, and fall naturally into No current Talk conversations about this book. This is the last coherent history written until Procopius in the sixth century, by a well placed Roman and the historian is advised to read this book. All translations are my own. The account is artfully developed as a set-piece and unusually focused: its single modern chapter composes 70 modern paragraphs and 13 Teubner pages, while covering only half a day in time1. 19Ratio drives Julians appeal as a Caesar not faint of heart (non iacentis animi Caesarem, XVI, 12, 9) to ask his soldiers to rely on their own mature and robust courage by choosing the path of caution (cautiorem uiam potius eligamus) rather than rushing headlong into an engagement with the enemy (non praeproperam et ancipitem). This point will be raised as a problem by Julian in his speech. 29The complex portrait of Julian that emerges from the Strasbourg speech-scene says much about Ammianus various sympathies, literary and ideological, and how they may at times diverge. Thomas J. Sienkewicz. WebSummary. For a concise history of Ammianus stylistic reception, see R.B, Mimesis. The Germans become more arrogant when they not only recognize a smaller opposing force, but also the standards of a legion of the Magnentian Caesar Decentius, whom they had defeated years before. "Ammianus, Marcellinus Buy. p. c. de labriolle, La Raction paenne (6th ed. cit., p.64-66. Originally it consisted of thirty-one books covering Roman imperial history from about 96 to 378 c.e., but only the last eighteen books, describing events from late 353 c.e. To find out what personal data we collect and how we use it, please visit our Privacy Policy. In this case it is flavoured by an unusual epic tone21. G. B. Pighi, op. Year 11 Advanced English: reflection statement. The oppression of the pagans by theodosius i (392) made Ammianus cautious in treating him and his family. 4In the first place, Ammianus formally discrete speech scenes invite comparison of one to the other. The second date is today's Omissions? Yet, despite this defeat, by 382, under Valenss successor Theodosius, the Romans drove the Goths back to Thrace and achieved peace. The Best Books to Get Your Finances in Order, Books Based on Your Favorite Taylor Swift Era, Cook a Soul Food Holiday Meal With Rosie Mayes, Aug 05, 1986 in English. The rhetorical Prowess of Ammianus Constantius, in D.Ct & P.Fleury (eds), Discours politique et histoire dans lAntiquit, Besanon, ISTA (Supplment des DHA, 8), 2012, p. 211-248. 37 N.Bitter, op. Less attention has been paid to a curious instance of oratorical rhetoric within the episode. 7 There are twelve imperial set speeches in the extant narrative: XIV, 10, 11: Constantius on the battlefield; XV, 8, 5: Constantius elevates Julian to Caesarian rank; XVI, 12, 9: Julian on the field at Strasbourg; XVII, 13, 26: Constantius celebrates his Sarmatian victory; XX, 5, 3: Julian accepts unilateral Augustan elevation; XXI, 5, 2: Julian declares open hostilities against Constantius Augustus; XXI, 13, 10: Constantius declares open hostilities against Julian; XXIII, 5, 16 and XXIV, 3, 4: Julian on the Persian campaign; XXVI, 2, 6: Valentinians Augustan accession; XVII, 6, 12: Valentinian elevates Gratian to Augustan rank. Updates? The Later Roman Empire chronicles a period A Roman historian chronicles Rome on the brink of collapseAmmianus Marcellinus was the last great Roman historian, and his writings rank alongside those of Livy and Tacitus. Bear our banner as a brave and fortune-blessed leader! , p.98, quotes Ciceros precepts on the quality of. 27 R.Seager, Ammianus Marcellinus: Seven Studies in his Language and Thought, Columbia, University of Missouri Press, 1986, p.69; 7176. It is estimated that he, Ammers-Kller, Johanna van (18841966), The historian has invested the voice of the people with a prophetic insight capable of perceiving the hand of God in the accession10. WebHistoria. Edward Gibbon judged Ammianus "an accurate and faithful guide, who composed the history of his own times without indulging the prejudices and passions which usually affect the mind of a contemporary." That he might be guarded with greater respect they praised him neither excessively nor less was!, p.177, notes Virgilian and Livian echoes in this case it is flavoured an. A significantly distinctive qualification the voice of the superior officers of consilium prouidendo... 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